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Modplan adds Leka Systems Skylight to its portfolio

Trade fabricator Modplan has just added the Leka Systems Skylight to its portfolio. Heidi Sachs at Modplan, said: “The Leka Systems Skylight gives installers a competitive edge by providing an innovative and flexible solution to bringing natural light into a conservatory.”

The Leka Systems Skylight is the latest innovation from Leka Systems. It is a fully glazed unit with a neatly finished surround that doesn’t need roof bar caps. It is available in any height and has a maximum width of 800mm, which offers flexible alternatives to opening vents.

Heidi commented: “This takes the aesthetics of skylights to a whole new level. They look crisp, clean and refreshing. When homeowners compare the options available to them, they will be able to see the clear aesthetic advantages of the Leka Systems Skylight.”

Heidi also highlighted the ease of installation of the product: “Installation is simple, which saves time and money on site and helps installers to increase productivity and profitability, which we know are more important than ever at the moment.”

The Leka Systems Skylight is the latest innovation from a company that taken the market by storm in recent years with its revolutionary products. Its genuinely new way of thinking has just been reflected in a patent award. The Leka Systems Tiled Conservatory Warm Roof is protected by GB patent number 253 8540 and recognised as one of the most innovative roof systems on the market today.

Heidi concluded: “We were the first fabricator to take Leka Systems products because we could see how their innovation could open up opportunities for our customers. The patent on the Tiled Conservatory Warm Roof and the stunning new Skylight proves their value all over again.”

Modplan is renowned for its partnership approach that adds value to all its business relationships. By continually expanding its portfolio to include the most innovative products on the market, it is helping its customers to maximise every opportunity.

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