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Modplan adds VEKA’s new M70 system to its range

Leading VEKA fabricator Modplan Ltd has just announced the latest addition to its range: the VEKA new M70 bevelled 70mm system. Heidi Sachs, Modplan’s Managing Director said of the system, “The new M70 is a 70mm fully-integrated, multichambered system with an updated contemporary bevel to complement any style of property. We are confident it will be a popular addition to our portfolio and feedback from our customers on the new system who attended our recent ‘open house’ event was extremely positive.”

The new M70 system is a strong addition to Modplan’s range. The additional chambers of the system increase the overall thermal performance to meet the demanding current and future requirements for more energy efficient products. A choice of couplings in plain or featured finishes gives customer choice along with a range of glazing beads in either chamfered or sculptured options. The system is Secured by Design approved, the official police approved accreditation, and meets the requirements of Document Q too. The M70 system is available in White, Rosewood, Rosewood on White, Golden Oak, Golden Oak on White, Anthracite Grey on White and Black on White. The system offers a fitter-friendly baypole system which is available in a choice of chamfered or sculptured finishes too.

The new M70 system will be manufactured in Modplan’s dedicated factory near Newport, Gwent and will be available to customers from 1st May, 2017.

The new M70 system is the latest in a line of new products being introduced by Modplan over the next couple of months. Heidi says, “It is important to us that our product range meets our customers’ needs. We continually have our finger on the pulse with product design and we are confident that the introduction of the new M70 system will be a valuable addition to our range.”

Modplan manufactures and provides a comprehensive range of products that includes the Matrix 58, Veka Matrix 70 and 70FS systems, VEKA Vertical sliders, PVC-u patio and bifold doors, conservatories, the Vertex Open Canopy, the Vertex roof system with polycarbonate, glass or tile effect roof options, the Wendland roofing system and the newly added Ultrasky, Livin room and LEKA Warm Roof. For more information on any of the Modplan’s products and support, simply Ask the Man from Modplan.



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