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Modplan colour plant exceeding customers’ expectations

Leading Network VEKA trade fabricator Modplan expanded its painting facility earlier this year, a move that has been welcomed by many of its customers. Managing Director Heidi Sachs said, “Expanding our painting facility means we are now offering much faster turnaround times – there’s a maximum lead time of two to three weeks on all colours. Feedback from our customers has told us it’s made colour a lot more accessible and helped bring colour into the mainstream.”

Aside from the dramatically improved turnaround times, Heidi had other reasons for bringing Modplan’s colour offering in-house, not least the quality of the product on offer. She says, “Quality is our watchword at Modplan so bringing colour in-house made perfect sense to us. It means we can guarantee that the colour and quality is to our exacting standards first time every time and we are not relying on any third parties.”

Modplan’s painting facility has been equipped to state-of-the-art standards for a high specification finish. The fabricator uses Kolorbond, which forms a molecular cross bond with the plastic surface for a longer lasting finish, unlike most other paints for plastics which stick to the substrate. Frames can be painted in any RAL colour and a wide range of finishes is also available, including woodgrain effects. This opens up a world of possibilities because any products not yet available in a foiled finish can be spray painted to match foiled items, meaning that multi-product contracts can achieve a streamlined and complete look. Modplan also offers an all-over colour because as well as spraying the interior and exterior frames, the areas that are visible when the window is open are also sprayed, something that gives a much more sophisticated result.

Colour has been on the edge of the mainstream for some time now, but with long lead times as standard it wasn’t always destined to stay there. Modplan’s new painting facility removes that barrier and opens up a world of possibilities, so Heidi can say with confidence, “The future is colour!”

Modplan manufactures and provides a comprehensive range of products that includes three VEKA profiles, a vertical slider, composite doors, PVC-u and aluminium patio and bi-fold doors, conservatories, the Vertex solid tile-effect roof and glass and polycarbonate conservatory roofs. For more information on any of Modplan’s products, including the revolutionary Imagine Bi-Fold Door, simply Ask the Man from Modplan.



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