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Modplan in the Media – Feature Rich Products from Modplan

Feature-rich products from Modplan

Leading VEKA fabricator Modplan manufactures a comprehensive portfolio of products for their trade customers which includes an impressive range of feature-rich products too.

Having the right products in your portfolio is fundamental to the Newport-based fabricator as Heidi’s Sachs, Managing Director of Modplan explains: “You only have to glance at the market data to see that consumer trends are shifting. Market intelligence reveals that today’s consumers are looking for something other than standard white PVC-U casements. The result is that feature-rich products such as mechanically jointed vertical sliders and flush casement windows are booming and its something we have witnessed here at Modplan for some time.”

Modplan’s VEKA vertical slider is the perfect example of a value-added product. The feature-rich window is manufactured from high quality VEKA systems and can be either mechanically jointed or welded.  The window is compatible with existing VEKA fitting brackets and therefore reduces installers’ inventory. The VEKA Vertical Slider features a range of traditional detailing including a selection of Georgina bar configurations, a deep bottom rail option and authentic sash horns. The window is available in a range of woodgrain and colour options too.

Similarly, the VEKA HALO FlushSash window is ideal for heritage projects looking to replicate the appearance of 19th century windows. The traditional aesthetics can be enhanced with heritage detail options such as monkey tail handles and ornamental peg stays. Our Flush Sash offering is fully mechanically jointed ensuring the authentic look of timber.  It is available in a range of woodgrains and coloured finishes in the 30 colour options of VEKA’s Variations collection, so offers a solution for every setting.

Both Modplan vertical sliders and FlushSash windows are manufactured in a dedicated facility at the company’s manufacturing headquarters, which means that turnaround times are kept to a minimum and quality is consistently high.

Heidi concludes: “With these products you get the reassurance of the quality and innovation you’d expect from Modplan along with the unparalleled advantage of our manufacturing excellence and partnership approach. It’s the reason our customers are able to capitalise on the benefits that feature-rich products have to offer.”

Press release – 20th July 2018



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