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Modplan introduces the MILA Prosecure Door Hinge

Leading trade fabricator Modplan has introduced the MILA Prosecure Hinge across its door range from November 2019.   Neil Gater, Marketing and Communications Manager at Newport-based Modplan, said: “Following an extensive evaluation period, which included the presentation of the Prosecure Hinge direct to our customers, the response was overwhelmingly positive due to the speed of installation and impressive guarantees.  As a result, we have switched over to the high-security Prosecure Hinge across our door range with the exception of our 58mm system.”

The MILA Prosecure Hinge claims to be faster to fit that any other security door hinge on the market and is the only hinge supplied in one-piece, ready to install straight from the box. It incorporates a number of new and patented features including ‘glider’ technology and effortless front adjustment.  The hinge offers two installation options, slide on or front fit and a captive hinge lid pivots open and close for fast and easy installation.  The security features mean it exceeds the current required standard and offers a 25-year mechanical guarantee and Secured by Design accreditation.  Available in 13 suited finishes, the Prosecure hinge offers a 10-year surface finish guarantee for powder coated finishes and 5-year on plated finishes.

Neil concludes: “We are delighted to be adding the Prosecure door hinge and we know MILA have an excellent track record for quality and reliability which we value in order to maintain our own reputation.  The hinge offers a wealth of feature and benefits that will enhance our products and, in turn, our customers’ portfolios.”

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