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Modplan launches internal Control Hub to support its customers

In response to the industry-wide supply chain challenges, leading VEKA trade fabricator Modplan has launched an internal Control Hub to keep its customers one step ahead.

Heidi Sachs, Managing Director at Modplan, commented: “Our new Control Hub gives us at-a-glance information on the status of every order in the system across our multiple manufacturing sites. This includes our planning summary, stock availability, production levels and dispatch details. It means we can identify any issues immediately and let our customers know what’s happening so they can plan accordingly.”

The Control Hub gives Modplan detailed insight across all its manufacturing sites and the company has set some strong KPIs to ensure maximum efficiency.  Heidi said: “The performance is reviewed with the factory managers at regular intervals throughout the day to ensure we are on track to achieve the day’s targets.  The Hub is proving invaluable at this time but also in the longer term to help us continue to deliver outstanding customer service and be a proactive partner to our growing customer base.”

Supply chain difficulties have been felt throughout the industry as a result of the post-lockdown boom. Heidi commented: “After a worrying few months during lockdown for the industry, the upsurge in demand is incredibly good news for everyone. It’s why the delays are so frustrating.”

She added: “I’d like to reassure our customers we are doing everything we can. As well as launching our Control Hub to keep customers informed, we are also leveraging our status as one of VEKA’s largest fabricators and are working closely with them and all our key suppliers to achieve the best possible service for our customers.”

Modplan is renowned as a fabricator that works proactively with its customers to add value in more ways than one. In launching its Control Hub, it’s showing why this reputation is so well deserved.

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