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Modplan’s charity events add up

Leading VEKA trade fabricator Modplan has just announced that the fundraising events it held last year raised over £1000 for charity. Chris Reeks, Modplan’s Sales Manager, says, “Raising money for good causes is something that is very important to us at Modplan. We regularly hold events to fundraise to help others less fortunate than ourselves.”

The range of events Modplan held last year is astonishing. Chris says, “As well as helping others, events like these are very good fun and bring us closer together as a team.” They included a golf auction, raffles and a sponsored fast. Particularly creative was the Money Tree, a topiary tree decorated with scratch cards with winning values of up to £100k, which was raffled off. The Modplan team also held an inter-company football match, which was played in memory of Phil Riley, a Modplan colleague who passed away with cancer last year.

The funds raised by the Modplan team were all donated to Cancer Research, which pioneers life-saving cancer research to help beat cancer sooner. Chris says, “Cancer is something that touches all of our lives whether directly or indirectly. We are proud to be doing something to support Cancer Research in its work.”

All the events and fundraising were coordinated by Claire Jones, Modplan’s Purchasing Co-ordinator. Chris says, “We wouldn’t have made such an impressive contribution without Claire’s efforts and we have to thank her for her tireless involvement.”

Modplan is renowned in the industry for its proactive and supportive relationship with its customers. And as can be seen from these fundraising activities, this approach is part of the company’s DNA.

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