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Modplan’s team celebrates longevity

Leading VEKA fabricator Modplan prides itself on its low staff turnover levels and the recent realisation that Modplan’s board had been with the company for a collective 274 years was a cause for celebration. Heidi Sachs, Modplan’s Managing Director, said, “Having a low staff turnover is an excellent indication of how happy a team is, which is why we were so delighted when we realised how long our board members had been with the company.”

Alongside longstanding board members Heidi Sachs and David Burles, Modplan’s team from shop floor to management has three members who have been with the company 20 years, three members who have been with the company for 24 years, one at 25 years and one member who has been with the company for 27 years.

Heidi says, “The experience of the company at all levels, gives us incredible strength and continuity and we decided it was something we needed to celebrate.” Each member of the team received an inscribed tankard or an inscribed vase. There was also a day of outdoor pursuit activities including archery and quad biking and a pub lunch. Great fun was had by all.

The celebration is a perfect illustration of Modplan’s people-centred approach. The company is uniquely focused on the needs of its customers and their businesses. And as Heidi says, having members of staff that have been with the company for over 20 years suggests a stable team that is happy to go the extra mile. It is also true to say that by celebrating the milestones, Modplan is showing how much it values the ongoing contribution that its staff make, thereby proving why the staff are so longstanding.

Heidi concludes, “We look forward to celebrating more milestones like these and with seven other members of the team with between 15 and 20 years’ experience, it won’t be too long!”

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