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More colours stocked from Modplan

Leading VEKA trade fabricator Modplan has just announced more colours from its Variations range will now be available from stock. Heidi Sachs, Managing Director of Modplan said: “The increase for coloured products shows no signs of slowing down as the surge in demand from consumers looking to personalise their homes has resulted in more colour options being required. Our three new stocked colour finishes will give our customers additional opportunities to promote colour further with the confidence of a quick turnaround.”

From 1st June, Modplan will stock an additional three perennial favourite finishes – Anthracite Grey on White, Anthracite Grey on Grey and Chartwell Green on White. This is in addition to their Rosewood, Golden Oak, Grey, Black, Irish Oak and on white options.

In addition to the stocked Variations colour range, Modplan also has a dedicated on-site paint plant which opened in 2014. Heidi explains: “Having our own dedicated paint plant means we have rapid turnaround times on our painted coloured products too. Feedback from our customers tells us that this has made colour a lot more accessible and helped them add value to their contracts more easily.”

Modplan’s paint plant opens up a world of colour for installers. Frames can be painted in any RAL colour and a wide range of finishes is also available, including woodgrain effects. This means any products not yet available in a foiled finish can be spray painted to match foiled items, creating a streamlined and complete look across multiple products. Modplan also offers an all-over colour solution because as well as spraying the

interior and exterior frames, the areas that are visible when the window is open are also sprayed, something that gives a much more sophisticated result.

Modplan is renowned in the industry for its partnership approach that helps its customers to grow their businesses. By removing the barriers to colour by introducing both stocked colours and painted products, Modplan is demonstrating its ongoing commitment in response to wider consumer and industry trends.



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