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Neil Gater by name, NaviGator by nature….

On the 8th September 2019 our Marketing and Communications Manager, Neil Gater took part in the first competitive stage rally EVER to take place on closed public roads in Wales.

Starting in the beautiful town of Aberystwyth, the Rali Bae Ceredigion closed road rally saw a full entry list of 120 cars, with crews coming from all over Wales and further afield. The weather could not have been better, a warm sunny day saw huge crowds pack the fanzones throughout the route.

Based over 8 stages, the route was technically challenging on some very tight roads, featuring some of the best scenery in Wales.

Starting as car number 72, Neil working as the co-driver in a Palletforce sponsored Ford Escort Mark II, with David Holland in the driving seat.

An eventful rally saw Neil and David battle their way up to a final position of 39, following a few spins and other “fun” moments and finishing 6th in their class.

The event was hugely successful with special praise being heaped onto the organisers, who ran a flawless event for all crews involved.

Neil and David now move onto the “Best rally in the world” in October. The “Mull Rally” on the Isle of Mull in Scotland it’s back this year after a 2 year absence. This is the 50th anniversary for the Mull Rally, and marks the 11th outing on Mull for Neil and David.

Congratulations to all the crews who took part in the Rali Bae Ceredigion Rally and for making this such a memorable event.



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