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Under one roof with Modplan

Leading VEKA trade fabricator, Modplan, offers one of the widest range of quality window and door products in the industry. Their impressive portfoilio of fenestration products also extends to conservatory roofs where the company manufactures four roofing systems from their dedicated roofing plant in Newport, Gwent.

Their ever popular Vertex roofing system together with the Vertex tiled effect roof has outstripped sales targets since before Christmas, a trend that is set to continue due to the host of benefits the roof can offer. The tile effect roof is perfect for homeowners who want the benefits of a traditional extension without the associated cost or upheaval. And because it can be retro-fitted, it is also perfect for homeowners struggling with a conservatory that’s too difficult to heat or impossible to keep cool.

For a lot of their customers the K2 conservatory roof has fast become popular due to its range of options making it appealing to homeowners.

The company’s Wendland roof offering is just as popular as ever with its highly configurable roofing system suitable for use on all of Modplan’s conservatories.

By manufacturing all roofing systems in-house, Modplan has complete control over the quality of the roof and the dedicated service they can offer customers.

If this was not enough, Modplan is preparing to launch its new Supa tiled roof. The roof has a host of benefits. Homeowners will love the 0.18 u-value, which will help make a conservatory much more thermally efficient. Installers will love how easy it is to install and the fact there is no need to call in outside trades, avoiding project management headaches.

Managing Director of Modplan, Heidi Sachs said of the comprehensive roof range, “We have dedicated an entire factory to fabricating our roofs. This helps us streamline our operations and give us manufacturing efficiencies that helps us keep our prices competitive. We listen to our customers and realise that giving them a wide choice of conservatory roof systems allows them to compete at any level.”



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